Thursday, 5 October 2017


Babies are such an amazing gift, and becoming a parent, regardless of whether it’s for the first or sixth time, is one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences of one’s life. Although it isn’t quite possible to sum up the joy of a baby in several words, many of these baby quotes do a great job in summarizing some of the feelings and thoughts we have for our little ones.

The Moment A Child Is Born
The moment my children were born, I was changed forever. I grow daily as a mother thanks to them.

    A Baby Will Make Love Stronger 
    All-in-all, babies make the world a better place.

    Getting a Burp Out Of Your Little Thing
    This is funny and oh-so-true! I remember feeling ridiculously proud of myself once I got a burp out of my babies. In fact, I still do!

    Babies are Such a Nice Way To Start People
    I think so.

    A Baby Is Born With A Need To Be Loved
    This is such a great reminder! It doesn’t matter how old they get or how big they grow, they will always need your love.

    I'll Love You Forever
    If you haven’t read “I’ll Love You Forever”, you really must. Just make sure you have a couple of tissues handy.

    Making The Decision To Have A Child
    Your heart goes outside your body because it becomes just too large for your body to contain…

    There's Really Nothing Quite So Sweet As
    Oh, how I love baby feet, and those toes! Why do they grow so fast?

    A Baby Is A Little Bit Of Heaven
    Babies are exactly that. Miraculous and sweet little pieces of heaven.

    Charles Dickens Baby Quote
    Every parent will tell you that their baby is the best and each one of those parents would be right!


    Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.

    • Baby Girl Accessories

    • Baby Boy Accessories